Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Thursday 23rd April – Monday 27th April 2009

The last few hundred yards to this site are narrow, but there are passing places before you turn left into the approach drive. The pitching area is on the right and has a gate that is usually closed and locked. However the owners told me it is left unlocked when anyone is expected. New arrivals are given a gate key in exchange for a £10 deposit which is refundable on departure. It consists of a well mown grassed field that slopes towards the driveway and appears to get soggy at the bottom during wet weather. A recycling box is given to all visitors with instructions on the inside of the lid.

Why this site is listed under Bourton-on-the-Water when it is nearer to Stow-on-the-Wold is not known but I’m sure there is a good reason. The village of Bledington has a pub that serves food and this is within walking distance. The owner gave me a copy of a map showing local paths including on to the village. Stow-in-the-Wold is a short drive away and all the usual services can be found here including a supermarket. I found a good butcher in the town centre and noticed the business was mentioned on BBCs’ Countryfile a few weeks later.

There is plenty to do in the surrounding area but I was told that the local bus to Stow only runs on Thursdays. So it is necessary to use your own transport to get about.

Analogue signal good
Digital signal available

£8.00 per night.

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