Monday, 18 May 2009


Tuesday 5th May – Saturday 9th May 2009

This is a popular compact site in the centre of the village of Sutton Bonington. It is on a level grassed area on the edge of the River Sour flood plane with several hardstanding on paving slabs. The shower and dustbins are in a lean-to on one side of a barn, with fresh water, toilet, information room and toilet emptying point situated near the owners’ home. Eggs are on sale in the information room. The shower costs 50p which gives ample time.

The village has a Post Office and a convenience store, two pubs and a bus runs past the entrance between Nottingham and Loughborough at hourly intervals.

If you enjoy plane spotting then this is the site for you. Aircraft landing at East Midlands Airport pass close and the noise can sometimes be intrusive. However I soon got use to it and apart from a few occasions early in the morning they passed almost unnoticed. Donnington Park motor racing museum is close by and well worth a visit.

Analogue signal good
Digital signal available

£9.00 per night

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