Saturday, 13 September 2008


Monday 8th September – Friday 12th September 2008

The instructions regarding the approach to this CL look complicated but are surprisingly simple and it is advisable to follow them. Pitches are behind the family business of landscapers in a tree surrounded grassed area with hardstandings. TV aerial plug in points are provided around the site to overcome the tree presence. A hut is used as an information point but unfortunately most of the leaflets were out of date. At the bottom of the site is a small pitch and putt golf area but because of the heavy rain during the summer the owners had been unable to cut the grass to a useable level. Toilets and a shower are available in a building at the other end of the business vehicle park.

Across the road is a pub that is open at lunchtime and evenings. It serves food and has a good assortment of real ales. I don’t think there is a bus service until you get nearer Taunton. One useful thing I found was the car park at the Sainsbury supermarket in the town centre. For £2 you can park for two hours, go shopping in the town centre, then do your food shopping in the supermarket and get your car park fee refunded. One place worth a visit is Rumwell Farm Shop on the A38 towards Wellington.

Analogue TV signal good
Digital signal was a bit hit and miss depending on weather conditions

£8.00 per night plus 50p for shower

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that sunshine on your pics ?